Redragon K641 68 Keys Aluminum RGB 機械電競鍵盤 - 鋁合金框架/藍+白漸變色鍵 - 紅軸[ 一年保養]
出貨: 一個工作天發貨
- Wired,2.4G,bluetooth modes 60% Mechanical
- keyboard
- Sturdy aluminum frame
- RGB full color backlit keys
- Full key anti-ghosting
- Red switch,Detachable
- Wrist-rest and cell phone stand design
- Hot-swappable switch
- PBT Keycaps
Solid Aluminum Board + 65% Size Design - Tiny but mighty, dedicated for unbreakable legend, the solid and frosted aluminum case makes the whole keyboard more steady and durable on the desk, anti fingerprint sweat stains. Feel free to immerse yourself while typing!
Hot-Swappble + Red Switches - Upgraded Hot-swap socket allow us to enjoy the fun of making our own unique keyboard freely. The smooth keystroke and low noise level of red switches makes every click easy to register.
3.5mm EVA Silencer Foam - Adding foam inside the mechanical keyboard reduces the sick noise and creates a clean and crisp THOCK sound. Less unpleasant noise, just smooth and satisfying keystrokes!
Gradient Color Design - An Innovative attempt of Redragon keyboard, even before hitting up the RGB backlight, you're gonna be blown away by the stunning colors.
Ergonomic Wrist Rest - Manufactured for wrist care, which is a good accessory for someone who using computer and typing frequently. This fatigue buster helps you keep online dusk till dawn!
Software Supported - Expand your own keyboard function such as new modes and effects in the Redragon software. Macros with different keybindings or shortcuts make the keyboard more efficient for work and gaming.
- Wired,2.4G,bluetooth modes 60% Mechanical
- keyboard
- Sturdy aluminum frame
- RGB full color backlit keys
- Full key anti-ghosting
- Red switch,Detachable
- Wrist-rest and cell phone stand design
- Hot-swappable switch
- PBT Keycaps
Solid Aluminum Board + 65% Size Design - Tiny but mighty, dedicated for unbreakable legend, the solid and frosted aluminum case makes the whole keyboard more steady and durable on the desk, anti fingerprint sweat stains. Feel free to immerse yourself while typing!
Hot-Swappble + Red Switches - Upgraded Hot-swap socket allow us to enjoy the fun of making our own unique keyboard freely. The smooth keystroke and low noise level of red switches makes every click easy to register.
3.5mm EVA Silencer Foam - Adding foam inside the mechanical keyboard reduces the sick noise and creates a clean and crisp THOCK sound. Less unpleasant noise, just smooth and satisfying keystrokes!
Gradient Color Design - An Innovative attempt of Redragon keyboard, even before hitting up the RGB backlight, you're gonna be blown away by the stunning colors.
Ergonomic Wrist Rest - Manufactured for wrist care, which is a good accessory for someone who using computer and typing frequently. This fatigue buster helps you keep online dusk till dawn!
Software Supported - Expand your own keyboard function such as new modes and effects in the Redragon software. Macros with different keybindings or shortcuts make the keyboard more efficient for work and gaming.
本地訂單滿$100 免運費送順豐櫃/香港郵政
本地訂單滿$250 免運費送上門 (順豐/京東),(不包括電腦產品子零件如SSD/電腦螢幕等等)
電腦產品子零件如SSD/電腦螢幕,運費則由$30-$60 不等,實際運費會在購物車後顯示
0kg–1.5kg |
HK$30.00 HKD |
1.5kg–2kg |
HK$35.00 HKD |
2kg–2.5kg |
HK$42.00 HKD |
2.5kg–3kg |
HK$51.00 HKD |
3.5kg–5kg |
HK$100.00 HKD |
澳門的訂單運費由$30 起,產品運費取決於訂單重量,最終運費將會於產品頁顯示
POWERBANK 產品不能運送非香港及澳門地區
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