AIRWHEEL SE3S 20吋可登機智能騎行電動行李箱 (豪華版)- 銀色 [香港行貨]
訂單$100 免運費送順豐櫃/香港郵政
訂單$100 免運費送順豐櫃/香港郵政,$250 免運費送上門
出貨: 1-2 個工作天出貨
- 可設定騎行模式/牽引模式,速度可以達到13公里/小時
- 180mm伸杆智能感應電動伸縮
- 鋁合金框架承重達110kg
- 智能易操作手把,集加速剎車,倒後於一體
- 73.26wh可拆卸外部電池
- 支援APP控制,七種照明顏色和三種照明效果
- 藍牙連接斷開後自動發警報聲
- TSA海關鎖
- 外置USB接口
- 可隨身登機
- 尺寸: 550x360x240mm
- 電機尺寸: 5.5英寸
- 輪胎尺寸: 5.5英寸(前輪)/5英寸(後輪)
- 容量: 20L
- 重量: 9.4kg
- 承重: 110kg
- 續航距離: 8-10km
- 最大爬坡度: 約4度
** 不適用小型航班(需容許10kg+ 以上登機限制)
年期: 1年
Ezone 介紹:
【開箱試玩】Airwheel SE3S輕鬆「自駕遊」20 吋行李箱結合電動騎行車
Support Intelligent App Control
1. Change the color of the luggage logo
Airwheel SE3S can be controlled through the smart APP. You can adjust the Logo to seven light colors and three light effects with one key. It's pretty cool.
2. Intelligent speed adjustment
There are two different speed modes in the smart APP to adjust. Ensure safety in low-speed mode and enjoy a smooth ride in normal-speed mode.
3. Intelligent search mode
It supports opening the search mode to prevent the luggage from being lost through smart reminders.
4. Remote control mode
Constant speed can be set through APP3.0 to realize stable riding, avoiding hand control fatigue for a long time and a better experience.
5. Intelligent interconnection
APP can be intelligently interconnected with the luggage, real-time monitoring luggage speed, mileage, remaining battery, and other data, convenient to you.

Removable Battery & USB Interface
Airwheel SE3S suitcase has a built-in lithium battery with a capacity of 73.26WH that can meet 8-10 kilometers of riding. Meanwhile, its equipped USB port can be used as a mobile power supply to charge cell phones, pads, and other electronic devices at any time.

Two Modes of Riding & Traction
The Airwheel SE3S electric suitcase can reach up to 13km/h in riding mode, and the traction mode can also flexibly cope with no power or other special situations. The motorized wheel and the riding bar of the Airwheel SE3S suitcase are both of motorized telescopic design, which can be quickly switched with just one button.

Large Capacity Reasonable Storage
The side is open with a large capacity of 20L. You don't need to worry about the capacity space. What's more, it can be boarded directly.

Smart Handle For Easy Operation
The smart handle design is simple and practical. The right handle controls acceleration and the left handle controls braking. Press both handles at the same time to reverse, and the direction relies on turning the smart handle for flexible control.

Waterproof, Strong Load-Bearing
Adopting German laminate and Taiwan Chi Mei ABS to ensure that the case shell is waterproof, wear-resistant, stable, and not easily deformed. Reinforced with a patented aluminum frame, which is made of 6-series high-grade aluminum alloy using one-piece forming technology to ensure a load-bearing capacity of 110kg.

Built-in TSA Code Lock
The Airwheel SE3S unique luggage is equipped with international TSA locks as standard. You can set and change at leisure. It allows security authorities to open, inspect, and relock luggage while going through customs without any damage, which makes you feel worry-free while boarding.

TPU Tires, Strong Wear Resistance
The Airwheel SE3S has high-quality, abrasion-resistant, puncture-resistant TPU solid tires. TPU wear-resistant solid tire prevents slippage and shock absorption, ensuring smoother pulling of your suitcase on the go. In addition, the tire's cross-sectional area is increased, making the wheel passability better.

Powerful Brushless Motor
Equipped with powerful motor wheels that can reach speeds of up to 13 km/h per hour, you can bring a sense of speed to your journey. You can get rid of the fatigue of walking on two legs and no need to lug around bulky luggage during your journey.

NOTE: Since the battery is considered a sensitive shipping good, we have to use special logistic channels to ship it. Therefore, your order was split into two packages, one for the luggage and the other for the battery.
- 可設定騎行模式/牽引模式,速度可以達到13公里/小時
- 180mm伸杆智能感應電動伸縮
- 鋁合金框架承重達110kg
- 智能易操作手把,集加速剎車,倒後於一體
- 73.26wh可拆卸外部電池
- 支援APP控制,七種照明顏色和三種照明效果
- 藍牙連接斷開後自動發警報聲
- TSA海關鎖
- 外置USB接口
- 可隨身登機
- 尺寸: 550x360x240mm
- 電機尺寸: 5.5英寸
- 輪胎尺寸: 5.5英寸(前輪)/5英寸(後輪)
- 容量: 20L
- 重量: 9.4kg
- 承重: 110kg
- 續航距離: 8-10km
- 最大爬坡度: 約4度
** 不適用小型航班(需容許10kg+ 以上登機限制)
年期: 1年
Ezone 介紹:
【開箱試玩】Airwheel SE3S輕鬆「自駕遊」20 吋行李箱結合電動騎行車
Support Intelligent App Control
1. Change the color of the luggage logo
Airwheel SE3S can be controlled through the smart APP. You can adjust the Logo to seven light colors and three light effects with one key. It's pretty cool.
2. Intelligent speed adjustment
There are two different speed modes in the smart APP to adjust. Ensure safety in low-speed mode and enjoy a smooth ride in normal-speed mode.
3. Intelligent search mode
It supports opening the search mode to prevent the luggage from being lost through smart reminders.
4. Remote control mode
Constant speed can be set through APP3.0 to realize stable riding, avoiding hand control fatigue for a long time and a better experience.
5. Intelligent interconnection
APP can be intelligently interconnected with the luggage, real-time monitoring luggage speed, mileage, remaining battery, and other data, convenient to you.

Removable Battery & USB Interface
Airwheel SE3S suitcase has a built-in lithium battery with a capacity of 73.26WH that can meet 8-10 kilometers of riding. Meanwhile, its equipped USB port can be used as a mobile power supply to charge cell phones, pads, and other electronic devices at any time.

Two Modes of Riding & Traction
The Airwheel SE3S electric suitcase can reach up to 13km/h in riding mode, and the traction mode can also flexibly cope with no power or other special situations. The motorized wheel and the riding bar of the Airwheel SE3S suitcase are both of motorized telescopic design, which can be quickly switched with just one button.

Large Capacity Reasonable Storage
The side is open with a large capacity of 20L. You don't need to worry about the capacity space. What's more, it can be boarded directly.

Smart Handle For Easy Operation
The smart handle design is simple and practical. The right handle controls acceleration and the left handle controls braking. Press both handles at the same time to reverse, and the direction relies on turning the smart handle for flexible control.

Waterproof, Strong Load-Bearing
Adopting German laminate and Taiwan Chi Mei ABS to ensure that the case shell is waterproof, wear-resistant, stable, and not easily deformed. Reinforced with a patented aluminum frame, which is made of 6-series high-grade aluminum alloy using one-piece forming technology to ensure a load-bearing capacity of 110kg.

Built-in TSA Code Lock
The Airwheel SE3S unique luggage is equipped with international TSA locks as standard. You can set and change at leisure. It allows security authorities to open, inspect, and relock luggage while going through customs without any damage, which makes you feel worry-free while boarding.

TPU Tires, Strong Wear Resistance
The Airwheel SE3S has high-quality, abrasion-resistant, puncture-resistant TPU solid tires. TPU wear-resistant solid tire prevents slippage and shock absorption, ensuring smoother pulling of your suitcase on the go. In addition, the tire's cross-sectional area is increased, making the wheel passability better.

Powerful Brushless Motor
Equipped with powerful motor wheels that can reach speeds of up to 13 km/h per hour, you can bring a sense of speed to your journey. You can get rid of the fatigue of walking on two legs and no need to lug around bulky luggage during your journey.

NOTE: Since the battery is considered a sensitive shipping good, we have to use special logistic channels to ship it. Therefore, your order was split into two packages, one for the luggage and the other for the battery.
本地訂單滿$100 免運費送順豐櫃/香港郵政
本地訂單滿$250 免運費送上門 (順豐/京東),(不包括電腦產品子零件如SSD/電腦螢幕等等)
電腦產品子零件如SSD/電腦螢幕,運費則由$30-$60 不等,實際運費會在購物車後顯示
0kg–1.5kg |
HK$30.00 HKD |
1.5kg–2kg |
HK$35.00 HKD |
2kg–2.5kg |
HK$42.00 HKD |
2.5kg–3kg |
HK$51.00 HKD |
3.5kg–5kg |
HK$100.00 HKD |
澳門的訂單運費由$30 起,產品運費取決於訂單重量,最終運費將會於產品頁顯示
POWERBANK 產品不能運送非香港及澳門地區
所有鋰電池產品或電子產品,本公司都會採用UPS 作為送貨物流公司。海外運費的金額建基於訂單的重量,客戶可於結帳頁參巧所需要的運費。因為海外運費的不確定性,本公司會於訂單出貨前查核所需要收取的運費,客戶有機會需要補付海外運費,如客戶覺得運費偏高,客戶可選擇終於訂單,本公司將會安排退款
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- 顧客必須將購買時所附送之贈品一併退還,否則我們將需要扣除該贈品的價值。
- 產品功能達不到客人心目中的預期
- 客人於網站選擇了錯誤的產品
- 因意外損毀或疏忽損毀,不正確使用而損毀之商品;
- 屏幕有塵、亮點/光點/死點或電子墨水屏背光不均;
- 隨機配件;
- 未有相關發票或/及 收據或/及 未填寫保用書之商品;
- 已註冊之軟件商品;
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- 如遇到無線連接或APP操作使用上的問題,客人必需直接聯絡品牌商或代理商跟進。因商品眾多,連接方法及裝置組合複雜,本公司前線職員無法測試出商品品質是否合符生產標准。常見情況如路由器訊號不夠強,藍芽耳機不能配對,APP不能操控商品等
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