Eufy Indoor Cam 2K Pan & Tilt Smart Indoor Camera-T8410223 [Licensed in Hong Kong]
• 2K resolution voice viewing live video (Homekit, 1080p when recording 24/7) • Built-in AI can detect people/animals/crying sensors and record videos and notifications instantly • Supports the use of Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa to facilitate your...
$599.00 $509.00
EUFY S330 eufyCam (eufyCam 3) 4K Wireless Home Security Camera System - 2-Cam Kit [Licensed in Hong Kong]
• 4K UHD detailed portraits • Use F/1.4 aperture and CMOS sensor to capture more light sources and provide clearer images • BionicMind uses facial recognition to intelligently identify family members and strangers • The body is equipped with a...
Eufy Video Doorbell Dual 2K Dual Camera 2K Wireless Doorbell-E8213G11 [Hong Kong Licensed]
feature of product • 2K sensor combined with HDR technology provides full body and clear images of visitors • Dual-lens technology eliminates blind spots and provides full-body images in front of the door • Dual motion sensors distinguish distant and...
$2,399.00 $1,998.00
Speed ​​Outdoor 2K Waterproof IP65 Outdoor Smart Network Camera-SP-ODC2K [Licensed in Hong Kong]
2K (2304x1296) H.264 video PIR AI human body sensing function (distance within 9 meters and 120° angle) Night vision function up to 10 meters IP65 waterproof specification level, you won’t be afraid of being exposed to the sun and rain...
$688.00 $599.00
Eufy eufyCam S3 Pro 4K 無線家居安全攝像機 - Add-on Cam [香港行貨]
• 4K UHD 高清仔細畫像• 使用MaxColor Vision™技術,在低光且沒有聚光燈的情況下也能提供如日間般的影像• 使用雷達及被動紅外線(PIR)雙動作感應系統準確辨識人型動作,減少誤報• BionicMind使用臉容識別智能辨識家人及陌生人• 機身的太陽能充電板配合SolarPlus™ 2.0技術,有效轉化光能進行充電• HomeBase 3 內置16GB機身儲存容量,並可擴張至最大16TB(不包括在內)• IP67全天候防水規格   尤如日間般鮮明清晰的夜視畫面 eufyCam S3 Pro 解析度高達 4K UHD,配合 MaxColor Vision 技術,就算在低光的環境也能捕捉清晰仔細、尤如日間般的鮮豔畫像。 AI 驅動夜視模式 使用智能圖像信號處理器(AI ISP),更準確辨別人臉,就算在光線不足的環境也提供鮮豔生動且清晰的畫面。同時提供MaxColor Vision、自適應聚光燈及紅外線三個夜視模式,配合不同情況選擇更合適應你的需求使用。 自適應聚光燈準確對焦 可設定自適應聚光燈以提供更佳的清晰夜視。透過動作感應觸發啟動聚光燈並自動調節亮度,優化畫面質素及電力消耗。你亦可在畫面上點撃特定地方進行對焦,避免過度曝光,保持清晰細節。 可靠的太陽能充電系統 eufyCam S3 Pro 機身配置太陽能充電板,配合 SolarPlus 2.0 技術,有效吸收光能轉化電力。藉優化的太陽能板設計,部分陰影不會直接妨礙充電能力,不用擔心樹木或建築物遮擋太陽能板。...
$4,799.00 $1,799.00
Eufy eufyCam S3 Pro 4K 無線家居安全攝像機 - 2-Cam Kit [香港行貨]
• 4K UHD 高清仔細畫像• 使用MaxColor Vision™技術,在低光且沒有聚光燈的情況下也能提供如日間般的影像• 使用雷達及被動紅外線(PIR)雙動作感應系統準確辨識人型動作,減少誤報• BionicMind使用臉容識別智能辨識家人及陌生人• 機身的太陽能充電板配合SolarPlus™ 2.0技術,有效轉化光能進行充電• HomeBase 3 內置16GB機身儲存容量,並可擴張至最大16TB(不包括在內)• IP67全天候防水規格   尤如日間般鮮明清晰的夜視畫面 eufyCam S3 Pro 解析度高達 4K UHD,配合 MaxColor Vision 技術,就算在低光的環境也能捕捉清晰仔細、尤如日間般的鮮豔畫像。 AI 驅動夜視模式 使用智能圖像信號處理器(AI ISP),更準確辨別人臉,就算在光線不足的環境也提供鮮豔生動且清晰的畫面。同時提供MaxColor Vision、自適應聚光燈及紅外線三個夜視模式,配合不同情況選擇更合適應你的需求使用。 自適應聚光燈準確對焦 可設定自適應聚光燈以提供更佳的清晰夜視。透過動作感應觸發啟動聚光燈並自動調節亮度,優化畫面質素及電力消耗。你亦可在畫面上點撃特定地方進行對焦,避免過度曝光,保持清晰細節。 可靠的太陽能充電系統 eufyCam S3 Pro 機身配置太陽能充電板,配合 SolarPlus 2.0 技術,有效吸收光能轉化電力。藉優化的太陽能板設計,部分陰影不會直接妨礙充電能力,不用擔心樹木或建築物遮擋太陽能板。...
$4,799.00 $4,599.00
SpotCam Ring 2 門鐘攝影機(連無線門鈴)[香港行貨]
**SPOTCAM 採用本地香港Google Cloud 真雲端Server。****免費 7 天事件雲端錄影 + microSD 儲存** ● 1080P / 180度全景視角● 支持藍牙輕鬆設置● 永久免費的 7 天雲記錄計劃● 支持高達 128GB 的 microSD 卡存儲● 全雙工雙向音頻 / 自動夜視● 內置 PIR 傳感器,支持運動檢測區域設置● 內置 2 粒可充電電池,可以通過 8~24V AC或 DC 5V2A MicroUSB 電線提供靈活的電源選項,充滿電可以使用6個月● 數字輸出 (DO) 支持 Device Control● IP65 防風雨門鐘攝像頭● 免費捆綁的門鈴揚聲器● 與Amazon Alexa / Google主頁 / IFTTT...
SpotCam BabyCam / BabyCam (SD) BB 寶寶室內攝影機 [香港行貨]
**SPOTCAM 採用本地香港Google Cloud 真雲端Server。****永久免費24小時事件雲端錄影 + microSD 儲存** 差異之處 一般版 SD 香港限定版 免費 24 小時香港 Google 雲端儲存 O O SDcard 本地錄影保護 X O 總結 僅雲端錄影 雲端錄影+SD卡錄影雙重保護🏅 全高清1920 × 1080P拍攝,八倍數碼變焦 鏡頭可上下90°及左右360°智能移動追踪寶寶拍攝 支援五首搖籃曲及六種白噪音,讓寶寶安心入睡 自定義危險區域偵測警報,並在寶寶進入危險區域時即時通知 **付費AI服務:嬰兒哭聲偵測,口鼻遮蓋及翻身警報 8顆高功率遠紅外線LED燈提供夜視功能 支援電腦(網頁版)/平板/手機(APP版)遠端遙控並查看 內置麥克風及喇叭支援對答功能 附贈永久免費的本地香港Google Cloud 24小時雲端記錄 多樣化安裝,磁吸底盤與軟金屬支架 支援Amazon...
SpotCam Eva Pro (SD) 2K 高清 360度旋轉 無死角室內攝影機 [香港行貨]
**SPOTCAM 採用本地香港Google Cloud 真雲端Server。****永久免費24小時事件雲端錄影 + microSD 儲存** 差異之處 一般版  SD 香港限定版 免費 24 小時香港 Google 雲端儲存 O O SDcard 本地錄影保護 X O 總結 僅雲端錄影 雲端錄影+SD卡錄影雙重保護🏅   ● 2K (2304 x 1296) 超高清解析度 / 115º 可視角度● 支持人形追蹤功能● 智能雲端 AI 服務● 搭配6顆紅外線,專業的夜視效果●...
$429.00 $399.00
RTAKO 3K 1440p Pan & Tilt 雙鏡智能室內攝影機 [香港行貨]
AI 偵測功能可確保孩子和寵物的安全 區域鎖定 移動偵測及提醒 | 內置感應器監測人體移動作追蹤,能偵測並發送實時警報 3K 2560x1440 高畫質,畫面清晰細緻 兩軸移動鏡頭一覽無遺 | 機身可作上下0-120°或左右0-320°的大幅度轉動 雙鏡變蕉鏡頭 (雙500MP 像素 鏡頭+CMOS 圖像傳感器+10x 變蕉鏡頭) 超廣角全景,24-105mm 變蕉鏡頭 超低光色彩模式,即使在低光下,亦能呈現全彩影像 內置紅外線照明元件可提升紅外線夜視功能,即使在完全黑暗的情況下,亦能捕捉清晰影像。 支援雙向語音通話 | 用家可以手機應用程式與家中成員透過內置收音咪對話 紅外線夜視功能 | 自動切換模式 支援雙頻 Wi-Fi 連接,2.4GHz 訊號覆蓋範圍廣闊,5GHz 傳輸速度快速 靈活安裝 | 可懸掛於牆身或座枱,手機畫面可作垂直或水平預覽 APPS 遠程操控 全球銷售5萬+ (...
$499.00 $359.00
Ezviz 螢石 H1c 1080P Smart Home WiFi Camera 室內攝錄機【原裝行貨】
  ‧ 1080p 分辨率‧ 108°廣角鏡頭‧ 紅外線夜視距離可達 10 m(32 英尺)‧ 運動偵測‧ 三種聲音警報模式‧ 睡眠模式保護隱私‧ 雙向談話‧ 使用磁性底座安裝‧ 與 Google Assistant 智慧集成亞馬遜 Alexa‧ 支援 MicroSD 卡(最大 512 GB)和螢石CloudPlay儲存
Eufy Security SoloCam S340 Solar Security Camera [Licensed in Hong Kong]
Wireless outdoor camera 360° pan and tilt monitoring without blind spots HomeBase S380 compatible Enhanced dual camera clarity at 50 feet: Capture every event happening in your home in ultra-clear 3K resolution. Use the 8x zoom to see exactly who...
Eufy Security SoloCam S220 太陽能無線室外攝影機 (T8134) [香港行貨 ] -4 件套裝
內建AI智能辨識人型,當偵測到活動時將即時錄影及發出手機提示* 支援2K清晰畫像* 機身配有太陽能充電板為機內電池充電* 紅外線LED及f/1.6光圈提供清晰夜視* 內置麥克風,可與鏡頭前的對象進行即時對話* IP67全天候防水規格* 可連接至Amazon Alexa / Google Assistant以方便控制你的安全家居系統* 內建8GB eMMc及AES-128加密技術/連接至homebase 3(另購)以增加內存    
Eufy Security SoloCam S220 太陽能無線室外WIFI CAMERA (T8134) + HOMEBASE 3 S380 [香港行貨 ]
內建AI智能辨識人型,當偵測到活動時將即時錄影及發出手機提示* 支援2K清晰畫像* 機身配有太陽能充電板為機內電池充電* 紅外線LED及f/1.6光圈提供清晰夜視* 內置麥克風,可與鏡頭前的對象進行即時對話* IP67全天候防水規格* 可連接至Amazon Alexa / Google Assistant以方便控制你的安全家居系統* 內建8GB eMMc及AES-128加密技術/連接至homebase 3(另購)以增加內存    
Eufy Security SoloCam S220 Wireless Outdoor Camera (T8134) 太陽能監控 [香港行貨 ] - 2 件套裝
內建AI智能辨識人型,當偵測到活動時將即時錄影及發出手機提示* 支援2K清晰畫像* 機身配有太陽能充電板為機內電池充電* 紅外線LED及f/1.6光圈提供清晰夜視* 內置麥克風,可與鏡頭前的對象進行即時對話* IP67全天候防水規格* 可連接至Amazon Alexa / Google Assistant以方便控制你的安全家居系統* 內建8GB eMMc及AES-128加密技術/連接至homebase 3(另購)以增加內存    
Eufy Security SoloCam S220 Wireless Outdoor Camera (T8134) 太陽能監控【原裝行貨】
內建AI智能辨識人型,當偵測到活動時將即時錄影及發出手機提示* 支援2K清晰畫像* 機身配有太陽能充電板為機內電池充電* 紅外線LED及f/1.6光圈提供清晰夜視* 內置麥克風,可與鏡頭前的對象進行即時對話* IP67全天候防水規格* 可連接至Amazon Alexa / Google Assistant以方便控制你的安全家居系統* 內建8GB eMMc及AES-128加密技術/連接至homebase 3(另購)以增加內存    
$949.00 $899.00
Ezviz CB1 1080p Wi-Fi Smart Home Battery Camera [香港行貨]
CB1是EZVIZ新的靈活可靠的室內電池攝像頭,基本上可以放在你家裡的任何地方。 由於其無線設計和可調節的磁性支架,您將輕鬆找到完美的位置,以獲得生活空間中的大部分區域。 這款相機還具有幾個基本功能,包括出色的影片品質和夜視、人類運動檢測、雙向通訊、睡眠模式等。CB1由內建的1600毫安時電池供電,可幫助您在室內任何地方獲得安心。 它不需要電源或資料電纜即可設定,並且在充滿電的情況下執行長達40天¹,即使在停電期間也能提供可靠的保護。 • 磁吸底座設計,方人便隨意安裝• 內置電池壽命長達 40 天• 智慧人體移動偵測• 紅外線夜視距離可達 5 米• 支援 Google Assistant 和 Amazon Alexa
EUFY S330 eufyCam (eufyCam 3) 4K Wireless Home Security Camera System - 2-Cam Kit [Licensed in Hong Kong]
• 4K UHD detailed portraits • Use F/1.4 aperture and CMOS sensor to capture more light sources and provide clearer images • BionicMind uses facial recognition to intelligently identify family members and strangers • The body is equipped with a...
Eufy Security SoloCam S340 Solar Security Camera [Licensed in Hong Kong]
Wireless outdoor camera 360° pan and tilt monitoring without blind spots HomeBase S380 compatible Enhanced dual camera clarity at 50 feet: Capture every event happening in your home in ultra-clear 3K resolution. Use the 8x zoom to see exactly who...
EZVIZ H6C 4MP 360° PTZ version network camera (CS-H6c-R100-8B4WF) [Hong Kong licensed]
• Ultra HD 2560 × 1440P 2K shooting • 360° intelligent mobile tracking shooting • Advanced H.265 image compression technology, using only half the bandwidth and half the storage space • Built-in microphone supports callback function • Sleep mode for...
EZVIZ H3 3K 5MP Outdoor Network Camera [Licensed in Hong Kong]
**Hong Kong licensed products use Singapore Cloud Server** 1/2.7″ progressive scan CMOS 5MP 3K resolution 8x digital zoom 2.8mm Viewing angle: 96° horizontally, 114° diagonally, digital wide dynamic range 30m color night vision IP67, 2880*1620, up to 30fps Intelligent human...
EZVIZ EB3 Smart Home Camera Outdoor Smart Home Wireless Camera [Hong Kong Licensed=
equipped 5200 mAh rechargeable battery Available up to 120 Heaven’s Home Protection Color night vision, two-way talk Active defense, integrated PIR sensor and humanoid detection algorithm No base station required, works with solar panels
EZVIZ HB8 4MP 2K Outdoor Rotating Wireless Network Surveillance Camera [Licensed in Hong Kong]
Ezviz HB8 4MP Wireless Network Camera. Meet the HB8, EZVIZ's first battery-powered pan-tilt security camera. This is truly unique! The HB8 2K⁺ captures detail from all directions, can "see" in 360 degrees at very high resolution, and provides free on-device...
EZVIZ Solar Panel-C solar panel charging board [Hong Kong licensed]
*Currently compatible with the following models: BC1C, BC1-B1, BC1-B2, BC1-B3, BC1, EB3, HB8. As Ezviz launches new battery camcorders, the list of compatible models will grow. Please check compatibility before purchasing. Features ● Environmentally friendly and energy-saving solar power supply...
Ezviz EB8 Outdoor 2K 4G Battery Camcorder [Licensed in Hong Kong]
Product specifications: Image Sensor: 1/2.8” 3-Megapixel Progressive Scan CMOS Sensor Minimum Illumination: 0.01 Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR Shutter Speed: Self-adaptive shutter Lens: Viewing angle: 100° (Diagonal), 83° (Horizontal), 44° (Vertical) PT Angle: Pan: 340, Tilt: 65°...
$1,880.00 $1,788.00
Eufy Security SoloCam S340 Solar Security Camera [Licensed in Hong Kong]
Wireless outdoor camera 360° pan and tilt monitoring without blind spots HomeBase S380 compatible Enhanced dual camera clarity at 50 feet: Capture every event happening in your home in ultra-clear 3K resolution. Use the 8x zoom to see exactly who...
EUFY eufyCam E330 (Professional) 4K Outdoor Security Camera System (2-Cam Kit) E8601 [Hong Kong licensed]
• 4K UHD and F/1.65 aperture capture detailed portraits • Spotlight color night vision, you can view clear color images at night/low light environment • BionicMind AI uses facial recognition to intelligently identify family members and strangers • Stable power...
$3,299.00 $2,588.00
EZVIZ DB2 PRO 2K Smart Doorbell CS-DB2-A0-2C5WPBR [Licensed in Hong Kong]
2K Ultra HD 2544 × 1888P Shooting, viewing angle 176° The 5- meter PIR intelligent human body sensor can be set to three different levels (3/4/5 meters ) Sensitivity is the alarm trigger condition Advanced H.265 image compression technology uses only half the...
EZVIZ H6C 1080p 360° PTZ version network camera (CS-H6c-R101-1G2WF) [Hong Kong licensed]
• 360° intelligent motion tracking shooting • Intelligent detection, automatically locking dynamic changes in the screen • Support two-way voice transmission • Automatically record and store audio, video and video to retain important information Maintenance: The agent provides 12-month Hong...
EZVIZ DP2 (2K) Wireless Smart Camera and Doorbell (CS-DP2-R100-6E3WPFBS) [Licensed in Hong Kong]
• 4.3-inch color touch screen • 166° super wide-angle viewing angle • Built-in doorbell with multiple ring tones • Infrared night vision distance up to 5 meters • Supports real-time viewing and two-way video calling
$1,099.00 $859.00
Eufy Security C210 SoloCam Wireless Indoor & Outdoor Wireless Home Security Camera System [Hong Kong Licensed]
• Built-in AI intelligently recognizes human shapes. When activity is detected, it will instantly record video and send mobile phone notifications • Supports 2K clear images • Single charge, can be used for up to 3 months • Built-in microphone,...
Eufy Indoor Cam S350 Home Security Indoor Camera [Hong Kong licensed]
Eufy Indoor Cam flagship model • Equipped with dual lenses and 4K UHD resolution to clearly view real-time images • 4K wide-angle lens and 2K telephoto lens provide up to 8x clear magnification • 360-degree lens movement allows you to...
SPEED Doorbell 2K+ DBC2K-Plus IP54 Smart Doorbell [Licensed in Hong Kong]
2K H.264 resolution (1984 horizontal x 1488 vertical) 130° wide angle camera motion detection 2-way audio IP54 waterproof rating Visibility up to 10m at night battery pack lock wireless ringtones Super long standby time SD card storage (maximum 128G) 6700mAh...
Eufy eufyCam 2 Pro Home Security Wireless Camera-Add-on Cam [Licensed in Hong Kong]
• Built-in AI intelligently recognizes human shapes and faces. When activity is detected, it will instantly record and send mobile phone notifications • 2K full HD image (1080P when using HomeKit) •One charge supports up to 365 days of use...
$1,199.00 $1,088.00
Eufy Entry Sensor trigger sensor [Hong Kong licensed]
• When separation is detected, HomeBase will immediately send out a 100dB alarm and mobile phone prompt • Easy to install to the portal you need to monitor • Small and compact design • Battery life can last up to...
$299.00 $289.00
Eufy S380 HomeBase 3 [Hong Kong licensed product]
• HomeBase 3 has built-in 16GB storage capacity and can be expanded to a maximum of 16TB (not included) • BionicMind uses facial recognition to intelligently identify family members and strangers • AES-128 + RSA-1024 encryption • USB finger can...
EZVIZ DP2C 1080P fully wireless smart camera and door clock [Hong Kong licensed]
Installation and setup tutorial: Note: This product supports 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz wireless signal. If the router is set to use a single SSID to handle both 2.4GHz and 5GHz signals, it may cause the Ezviz DP2C to be unable to connect...
$799.00 $668.00
EUFY S330 eufyCam (eufyCam 3) 4K Wireless Home Security Camera System - Add-on Cam [Licensed in Hong Kong]
• 4K UHD detailed portraits • Use F/1.4 aperture and CMOS sensor to capture more light sources and provide clearer images • BionicMind uses facial recognition to intelligently identify family members and strangers • The body is equipped with a...
$1,699.00 $1,428.00
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Eufy Pet Dog Camera D605 1080p Dog Video Camera (T7200)
1080p resolution combined with a 170° wide-angle lens makes the picture clearer and more comprehensive; the lens can be rotated 270° and provides three distances for feeding, and two-way dialogue to increase fun and interactivity with pets; AI pet recognition...
$1,899.00 $1,538.00
SPEED 2K Intelligent Smart Full HD 2K Indoor Network Camera - SP-IIPC2K-BK [Licensed in Hong Kong]
2K (2304×1296 H.264) video Horizontal 350° Vertical 150° Full frame action lens Equipped with automatic tracking function Motion sensing (real-time capture of image information) Visibility up to 10m at night Even in complete darkness, never miss a moment Supports MicroSD...
$488.00 $399.00
EUFY Security EufyCam Solo Pro (SoloCam E40) All-in-One Security Camera-T8131121 [Hong Kong Licensed]
Security made simple. That's what SoloCam is all about. 100% wireless so you can install it anywhere you want in minutes. No hidden fees. Every detail counts: See the difference with 2K resolution and focus on what's going on outside...
$1,199.00 $1,099.00
Eufy Security Outdoor EufyCam 2C Smart Security Camera-T81131D2 [Licensed in Hong Kong]
Wireless Home Security Camera System, 180 Day Battery Life, HD 1080p, IP67 Weatherproof, Night Vision, Amazon Alexa Compatible, No Monthly Fees 1080p full HD image, 135° viewing angle One charge, can be used for 180 days AI human shape recognition...
$899.00 $759.00
SPEED 2K IP Camera SP-IPC2K-WH - [Licensed in Hong Kong]
product content: - 2K (2304x1296) H.264 video - 355° horizontally and 60° vertically - PIR human detection - Instant two-way voice communication - Visibility up to 10m at night - Support SD card storage (Max.128G) - Singapore server Warranty terms:...
$358.00 $268.00
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